End of the Year Legislative Update


SB 208:   Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Revisions, Autism Scholarship  Revisions, and Local Support Group/Co-ops Protection – effective approximately mid – to late March 2025.


As introduced SB 208 was designed to improve state policy for open enrollment options for military children. Late in the process it was amended to include revisions to state policy affecting home educated students. The amended bill passed the Ohio House on December 11, 2024 (vote 91-0) and the Ohio Senate concurred with the House amendments on December 18, 2024 (vote 31-0).

  • Service delivery clarification:

    Students using the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship or the Autism Scholarship may be serviced virtually by educational aides or instructional assistants (working under the supervision of a licensed intervention specialist). In addition it was clarified that licensed teachers and licensed substitute teachers may also provide services virtually, if needed.

  • Learning Pods:

    Earlier this year there was a significant problem with a local homeschool co-op that was investigated by a state agency for operating an “illegal day care.” CHEO and HSLDA worked with State Representatives Riordan McClain and Sarah Fowler Arthur to draft language to exempt local homeschool groups (aka “learning pods”) from Ohio’s day care licensing laws. [RC 5104.01(V) and RC 5104.02(B)(11)]


Link to Final Version: HERE





SB 104:   College Credit Plus – effective February 24, 2025

SB 104 provides a simple change to state policy regarding the College Credit Plus Program (dual credit for post-secondary enrollment). In past years the application deadline to receive CCP funds for college credit courses has been April 1st prior to the semester the courses would be taken. SB 104 permits a second deadline of November 1st.

“Any student who provides notification by the first day of April may be approved to participate in the program for the next full school year. Any student who provides notification by the first day of November may be approved to participate in the program for the next semester or term only.” RC 3365.03(A)(2)(b)(ii)


Link to Final Version: HERE