This is the place to find out all the little details about the 2014 Special Exhibitor $800 Advertising Package offered until January 8, viagra 100mg 2014.
When you register and pay by January 8, find 2014 you will receive $800 to spend on advertising in CHEO publication and electronic media. You must chose your options upon registration.
Companion Advertising (value: $100-$300 per issue)
Full Page (7” x 9.5”) | $300 |
Half Page (7” x 4.5”) | $250 |
Third Page (7” x 3.25”) | $200 |
Quarter Page (3.5” x 4.5”) | $150 |
Sixth Page (2” x 4.5”) | $100 |
E-mail Blasts (value: $350/week)
You choose your week (Sunday-Saturday) No more than one blast per week will be accepted. First come, first served.
Website Advertising (value: $450/month)
You chose your month. No more than two advertisers per month will be accepted.
Notes & News Sponsor (value: $150/month)
You chose your month. No more than one sponsor per month will be accepted.