HB487 / Ohio diploma policy for home educated graduates
May 29, sickness 2014
The budget review bill (Am.Sub.H.B. 487) passed the Ohio Senate this week and did not receive a concurring vote in the Ohio House. This means the bill will be finalized in a conference committee over the next several days.
The Senate version includes the following text affecting the admission of home school graduates and 08 school graduates into state universities and community colleges (p. 245, order RC 3345.06(D)(1):
“(D)(1) For the purpose of consideration for admission to the institution, price each state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, shall accept a sworn affidavit verifying the successful completion of a student’s high school curriculum from either of the following:
(a) If the student was enrolled in a nonchartered nonpublic school, the chief administrator of that school;
(b) If the student was excused from attendance at school for the purpose of home instruction under section 3321.04 of the Revised Code, the student’s parent or guardian.
Any affidavit submitted pursuant to this section shall also include a record of the student’s completed coursework and the grade received in each course. Notwithstanding anything in the Revised Code to the contrary, the affidavit shall fulfill any admission criteria requiring proof of the successful completion of that student’s applicable high school curriculum.
(2) For the purposes of consideration for admission to a state institution of higher education, no institution shall discriminate against any student to which division (D) of this section applies solely on the manner in which the student received instruction in order to successfully fulfill the high school curriculum applicable to that student.”
In other words, the section that is supposed to help eliminate discrimination against home educated graduates in the admissions process to state colleges and universities, actually creates a discriminatory process and makes it state law!
No other parent, whose children attend chartered public or private schools, are required to create an affidavit and find a proper official to witness a signature in order to unlock the entrance door to Ohio’s colleges and universities.
If this language isn’t removed in the Conference Committee on HB487, it will become state law!
Click here to review AM2737x1 AM2737X1 drafted amendment to HB487– the best and most simple solution to the discrimination against homeschool grads
Please contact each member of the Conference Committee (listed below).
Also recontact House Speaker Bill Batchelder and Senate President Keith Fabor.
Equally important – recontact your own state senator and state representative.
These calls MUST be made today and Monday. The conference process is quick!
ASK that Section 3345.06(D)(1) – the affidavit section – be removed.
ASK that the amendment 2737×1 – establishes that a diploma, issued by the parent or 08 school governing authority, sufficiently represents the completion of the high school experience in an equivalent manner to diplomas issued to students in chartered public or private schools – be added to HB487.
Ohio House Speaker William Batchelder: 614-466-8140
Ohio Senate President Keith Fabor: 614-466-7584
Locate your legislator: http://www.legislature.state.oh.us. Fill in the info on the right to search.
Conference Committee members:
Representative Gerald Stebleton 614-466-8100
Representative Andrew Brenner 614-644-6711
Representative Theresa Fedor 614-644-6017
Senator Peggy Lehner (R) 614-466-4538
Senator Randy Gardner (R) 614-466-8060
Senator Tom Sawyer (D) 614-466-7041
Points to help these elected officials understand…
1. Home educated graduates were lawfully educated and deserve to have their diplomas represent the lawful completion of this choice.
2. Home educated grads should not be required to get a GED or an affidavit to be considered for admission to college, simply because they didn’t choose an option chartered by the state.
For the sake of all children being home educated, please take a few minutes to make these calls. As always, be firm but respectful. These are critical issues that need to be immediately resolved!