Urgent ALERT!



On Tuesday, December 6th, the Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee voted to send SB 178 to the full Senate for a vote. Of the committee members, all Republicans voted “Yes”, one Democrat, Vernon Sykes, voted “No” and Senator Hicks-Hudson, was absent.

We are anticipating a floor vote tomorrow, December 7, before the full Senate – with the bill quickly moving to the House.



We fully recognize that this legislative activity is occurring at a very busy time of the year and has the potential to be easily overlooked by the public. Please do not let the timing of this legislation get in the way of defending and protecting our freedoms.

The Senate has scheduled their session at 1:30 on Wednesday, December 7th. It is imperative that people contact their Senator prior to this vote in order for your voice to be heard. Please call or email your Senator…or use HSLDA’s Legislative Action Center. (link below) We would also encourage you to reach out to your Representative and ask him/her to reject this bill if it comes to the House for a vote.

We want elected representation and accountability in the State Board of Education. If SB178 passes – this representation will be completely lost!


You can find a word from HSLDA regarding this legislation: HERE


Find your Senator here: https://www.ohiosenate.gov/senators/district-map

Find your Representative here:https://www.legislature.ohio.gov



Disclaimer: This information is provided for your consideration and as a public service.
Submitted by Melanie Elsey – CHEO Legislative Liaison