CHEO Commencement Ceremony

celebrating a milestone...with you!

When and Where

May 31, 2025!

Exciting New Location:

Ohio Christian University
1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, OH

Early Bird

Sept. 13– Oct. 31
Amount: $100


Nov. 1 – January 31
Amount: $130


Feb. 1 – March 14
Amount: $150

Thanks to our 2025 Event Sponsor and our Commencement Speaker!

Ohio Christian University and Israel Wayne

Ohio Christian University


Ohio Christian University is committed to offering a complete education that develops students intellectually, professionally, and spiritually. 

OCU was founded in 1948 as Circleville Bible College for the purpose of educating clergy for the Churches of Christ in Christian Union. While remaining true to its founders’ vision, Ohio Christian University has expanded its outreach by becoming accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, by being affiliated with the Association for Biblical Higher Education and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, and by adding certificate, associate, bachelor, and master’s degree programs in multiple disciplines. 

Commencement Speaker: 
Israel Wayne


Israel Wayne is a homeschool graduate and father of eleven who is passionate about defending the Christian faith and developing a Biblical worldview. 

He is the Director of Family Renewal and author of the books Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask and Education: Does God Have an Opinion, among others. He has also written a Bible doctrine curriculum titled Foundations in Faith. 

For more information may be found at

Commencement Details...

We would appreciate both the graduate and parents reading through all the commencement information below before registering for this event.


CHEO held the first homeschool Commencement Ceremony in 1992. The purpose for this event:

1. To bring honor and glory to God.
2. To act as ambassadors for home education in Ohio by demonstrating educational excellence, perseverance and faithfulness.
3. To celebrate with the graduates and their families at the end of a wonderful journey.


In order to assure that this ceremony is held to the highest possible standards, the CHEO Board has included a simple application process that began with the Graduating Class of 2005.

Application includes some of the following:

1. Graduates agree to comply with modest dress requirements and appropriate behavior expectations.

2. Parents will need to be current members of CHEO.

3. Parents must have notified their local superintendent (per the homeschool regs) for the graduate’s senior year.

4. 100% of academics need to be generally directed and provided by the parents. This may include dual enrollment.

5. The registration fee covers the cost of a graduation cap/gown/tassel, a beautiful diploma provided for the parents to confer on the student, and all handling/shipping fees. The cap/gown are the CHEO color of Peacock Teal and will belong to the student after the event.


Dress Code:

It is our desire to maintain the highest standards for this ceremony. Therefore, we ask that all graduates follow these simple dress code guidelines:


Dress slacks with dress shirts and ties


Dresses with a modest neckline. Hems need to fall at least to the knees. Knee length skirts w/modest shirts may also be worn or dress slacks.

Parents will also be participating in the ceremony and will be on stage with their graduates. Parents may use the same guidelines in deciding what they wish to wear for the afternoon.

Code of Conduct:

We want all families and guests to thoroughly enjoy this day. Therefore we would ask that everyone be respectful and courteous to all involved…to God’s glory.

Thank you for your understanding and support. 

Photos and Student Biography


There will be a beautiful slide show presentation during the ceremony. Participation is completely voluntary.
If your graduate wishes to be included in this presentation, please electronically submit two photographs. One needs to be a baby or “younger” picture, the second one should be a current pic of the graduate.

All pictures must be in jpeg format 300 dpi. They must be attached to the e-mail, not embedded.

Pictures need to be submitted no later than March 14, 2025 to be included in the slide show. Please be sure to label the pictures with the graduate’s name when you send the picture attachment to:

Student Biography:

A brief student biography will be included in the event program. There is a space in the registration form for this to be included, but if families need a little additional time to write the bio can be turned into the office by March 14, 2025. The biography can be written by the student or the parents and should not be more than 100 words.


Here are a couple of examples:

Harrison D. Bennett

Harrison has been homeschooled from Kindergarten through 12th grade and has truly been a joy to teach. He has many interests, but his favorites include playing soccer on a local team, learning bass quitar, and studying graphic design. He has also enjoyed helping with the local YMCA Kids program and being a part of the church youth group. He plans to pursue a degree in engineering at OSU in the fall and is excited for this next adventure.

Marie C. Shelby

A message from Marie:

I am so excited to be graduating this year! I appreciate all the time and effort that my parents have given to my education and know that this foundation will serve me well as I move into the future. I will be attending Auburn University in the fall to pursue Equine Studies and Veterinarian Studies.

Schedule for the Day...


Tentative Schedule for 2025:

Registration Begins @ 1:00
Music Begins @ 2:30
Ceremony begins @ 3:00

Opening Prayer: John Elsey, CHEO Leadership Team
Welcome: CHEO Leadership Team

Speaker: TBA

Conferring of Diplomas and Flowers
Closing Commencement Challenge
Presentation of Graduating Class

Late Registration is now open for the 2025 Commencement.

(Registration for this event will close March 14th.)



Countdown to the Ceremony

CHEO is happy to celebrate this wonderful milestone with you and other homeschool families from across the state. Our desire is to provide a program that is encouraging to
all who participate…and ultimately bring glory to God!






