Need a helpful place to get your questions answered as you
begin your homeschool journey?
For over 35 years, CHEO has been working for home educating families across Ohio and we are thrilled to continue that work today!
How can we help you?
A Step-by-Step Guide for your Home Educating Journey!
Step # 1
Read Ohio’s Law…
It is always helpful to read through the state law that governs home education in our state. Familiarize yourself with this document to better understand your rights as an educator.
If you have any questions regarding the details of the statute, feel free to contact our Legislative Liaison, Melanie Elsey and she will be happy to assist you.
For any necessary legal counsel, please contact HSLDA!
Step # 2
Complete a Notification Letter…
Annual notification must be completed for your family and submitted to the district superintendent. The district superintendent has a 14-day window to provide an acknowledgement of receipt.
You can find the notification form that CHEO has created by clicking the button below; but you are not obligated to use a specific form.
Step # 3
Don’t forget…Make copies!
Make sure to copy all forms to be sent to the District Superintendent and maintain for your own files.
This is also a good time to consider how you wish to maintain all paperwork, workbooks, projects, etc for your school year. There are many different approaches that may be used, but we suggest that you keep it simple and don’t create additional stress for you or your family.
Step # 4
Send it in…with a little insurance.
Wed encourage families to send the notification letter by certified mail (with a return receipt) to the superintendent of your local school district. It may cost a little bit more to send it this way, but it provides added “insurance” that your documents were received in the superintendents office since someone will need to sign and date the receipt.
Step # 5
Begin your homeschool…
The district has 14 calendar days to send an acknowledgement of receipt. But you don’t have to wait for the letter to start homeschooling!
You can begin your journey since you have completed all necessary paperwork!
Step # 6
Have a plan…
While families are not required to keep daily attendance logs, but it is helpful to come up with a plan for your year.
Record keeping materials are available through homeschool or office supply stores…or you can make your own.
Join CHEO’s interactive Facebook group and chat with other parents regarding this and lots of other topics?
Step # 7
Legal Coverage…
We strongly encourage all home educators to join Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA).
Membership is $130/yr. and provides legal counsel for your family in the event of a homeschool related issue. Your membership also helps to fight legal battles for other home educators across the country.
If you become a CHEO member first, then you are eligible for a $15 discount on your HSLDA membership fees.

If withdrawing from a traditional public, private or online school…
It is legal in the state of Ohio to remove your child from traditional public, private or online education at any time during the school year in order to home educate.
If withdrawing from a traditional public or private school, CHEO recommends that you notify the principal, in writing, that you are withdrawing your child from school for the purposes of home education. Then simply follow the steps above within 5 calendar days of withdrawing from school.
If withdrawing from an online public school, CHEO recommends that you first notify your child’s teacher and then take the steps suggested for withdrawing from traditional school. You will be required to return computers and learning materials provided by the state.
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