216 Area Regional Representatives
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To have your group listed, please submit the completed form found here: Support Group Form
**CHEO provides this listing of local support groups as a courtesy to our website readers. The inclusion of a group on this list does not constitute CHEO’s endorsement of the group’s activities, membership, or policies. Parents are encouraged to carefully research and consider the philosophy and practices of any group they are intending to join.
Support Group Name: ARCHERS Home School Group
Website: archersofgrace.org
Group Size: approx 93 families
Group Description: Our group support all traditionally homeschooled families and ages
Counties Served: We are based in Cuyahoga County, but are happy to support the surrounding counties
Support Group Email: archersofgrace@gmail.com
Support Group Name: Cuyahoga County Christian Home Educators
Group Size: 200 families
Group Description: Moms meet monthly for encouragement and fellowship. Moms & Dads meet at a local restaurant monthly for the same. Group members organize field trips and notify other members of opportunities. Most communication is via Facebook.
Counties Served: Cuyahoga and surrounding
Support Group Leader: Debbie Gibson Phone: 440.666.1095 Email: gibsonteam81@att.net
Additional Information: Facebook group is “closed,” meaning folks can find it through a search, and can see who the members are, but cannot see posts. Prospective members must request permission to join. Any member may post or create events and files. We have many members who are also members of groups from surrounding counties, and we share events and opportunities between the groups. New in 2016: Sub-group for parents who are considering home education for their children who are not yet of compulsory attendance age.
Support Group Name: Triple C Homeschoolers (Catholic Christians of Cleveland)
Website: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TripleCHomeschoolers/info
Group Size: 80+ Families
Group Description: We are a home school group in the Cleveland and surrounding areas. Non-Catholic Home School families are welcome to join but please note that a few activities may involve aspects of the Catholic faith, so as long as that won’t offend you, please know you are welcome to join us.
This group is a great way to connect with other home school families! We attend plays and many various activities and tours. We organize many educational and fun events! Our families have children of all ages. We have a high school group, jr. high group, and yearbook staff.
Besides our group’s activities, members are encouraged to post other homeschooling/kids/family events happening in and around the area. Any member is welcome to post an idea or schedule an event. We do ask that no politics or political events be posted so as not to offend other members.
Counties Served: Primarily Cuyahoga & Lorain County, but surrounding counties are more than welcome!
Support Group Contact Information: Email: hecrowleygirl@yahoo.com
Support Group Name: P.A.T.H. Parents Advocating Teaching at Home
Website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/oh/path/
Group Size : Between 30-45 families
Group Description :Parents Advocating Teaching @ Home is a Christian homeschool support group based in Lorain County, OH. We are a group of families who volunteer our time to make the homeschooling of all our children a better experience. We have something for every grade (K-12) . Here are some of the things we offer: Field Trips, Weekly High School Classes, Bi-weekly Elementary Classes, Intramural sports, Opportunities for growing friendships
In order to keep our group manageable and to promote closer friendships, we are limited in size.
Counties Served: Lorain and Surrounding Counties (Medina, Huron, Erie, Ashland, Cuyahoga)
Support Group Leader: changes yearly
Email: pathofficer@gmail.com
Additional: Membership requirements are Agreement with our doctrinal statement and Membership at a church that agrees with our doctoral statement. Doctrinal statements is view-able on our website.
Support Group Name: Cleveland L.E.A.D. Homeschool Co-op
Group Size: 14
Group Description: Cleveland L.E.A.D. (Learners, Explorers, Achievers, Discoverers) Homeschool Co-op
The Vision and Mission of Cleveland L.E.A.D. Homeschool Co-Op: To provide supplemental activities and resources to non-traditional home educating families and their children through various forms of support and activities that will enhance their learning and teaching experiences, while encouraging and empowering participating co-op children to be all that they were created to be within a Christ centered environment.
Counties Served: Cuyahoga and surrounding
Support Group Leader: Sara Williams Email: clevelandleadhomeschool@gmail.com Phone: (216) 755-4038
Additional Information: We respect and welcome families of children with special needs.