419 Area Support Groups


419 Area Regional Representatives
Dan and Jennifer Beck

To have your group listed, please submit the completed form found here:  Support Group Form

**CHEO provides this listing of local support groups as a courtesy to our website readers. The inclusion of a group on this list does not constitute CHEO’s endorsement of the group’s activities, membership, or policies. Parents are encouraged to carefully research and consider the philosophy and practices of any group they are intending to join.


Support Group Name: F.A.I.T.H. Homeschool Group

Website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/oh/toledofaith/

Group Size: 30 Families

Group Description:  F.A.I.T.H. Homeschool Group is an active community of Christian Families. We emphasize welcoming the whole family to our monthly meetings and encourage fathers to get involved! However, don’t feel as if you wouldn’t fit in if this isn’t your situation. There are many moms who come just for their own encouragement.

Counties Served:  Lucas, Erie (Toledo Area)

Support Group Leader:  Michelle Przeslawski   Email:   cmahmhprz@aol.com  Phone: 419-472-0357


Support Group Name:  Van Wert Area Christian Home Educators       

Group Size:  12 Families

Group Description: Co-op providing opportunities for Christian homeschool families to partner together for classes and fellowship.

Counties Served:  Van Wert and surrounding counties

Support Group Leaders:  Jessica Hissong    Email:  vwachg@yahoo.com    


Support Group Name:  CHEEF – Christian Home Educators Enjoying Fellowship

Group Size: 30 families

Group Description: CHEEF is a Christian based group offering support through activities, field trips, parties, Mom’s Nights and more.

Counties Served:  Erie and Huron counties and surrounding areas

Support Group Leader:  Jennifer Yost     Email: jenlo4@yahoo.com or cheefgroup@yahoo.com
Phone: 419.483.4820


Support Group Name:  ACC Homeschoolers

Website: www.acchomeschool.org

Group Size:  60 families

Group Description:  We are a group of homeschooling families that have come together to support and encourage each other in our endeavors to homeschool our children in a Godly manner. We offer a wide variety of opportunities to our members including; field trips and Enrichment Days.

Counties Served:  Hardin, Putnam, Hancock, Mercer, Logan and Auglaize counties and we welcome home school families from any of the counties surrounding Allen County Ohio.

Support Group Leader:  Kendall Smith     Email:  acchomeschool@aol.com    Phone: 419.303.4363


Support Group Name: Home Educate of Allen County Ohio

Group Size: 75

Group Description: Home Educate of Allen County Ohio is a FREE network of area homeschoolers located in Allen County, Ohio.

Counties Served: Allen and surrounding

Support Group Leader: April Boyer          Email: mrsaprilboyer@gmail.com


Support Group Name: Journey Homeschool Co-op of Hancock County

Group Size:  25-30

Group Description: The Journey Homeschool Co-op exists to gather together with other homeschoolers, build relationships, encourage parents and reach out to other homeschooling families. It was established in 2017 to provide opportunities for homeschooling families to come together to enrich their students’ learning experiences with elective classes, field trips, and holiday celebrations.

The Journey Homeschool Co-op desires to welcome all homeschooling families into a relaxed encouraging learning environment where: Christ is center; they are loved and encouraged for who they are; and the unique gifts they have been given are nourished. Journey Co-op is a parent-led co-op, in which the parents need to be involved in someway (teaching, helping, bringing in special speaker, etc.

It is held the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month Sept-May. It is free, but donations of supplies are appreciated.  “For the Lord is watching over your journey.” Judges 18:6b

Counties Served: Hancock county & surrounding area

Support Group Leader:  Sandy Inbody   Email: Journeyhomeschoolcoop@gmail.com   Phone: (419) 889-0923

Additional:  Facebook- Journey Homeschool Co-op of Hancock County    Registrations accepted throughout the year.


Support Group Name:  Christian Home Educators of Paulding County

Group Size: 25

Group Description:  We are a group of Christian families who gather for field trips, scholastic opportunities, and social events to support one another in homeschooling. Subscribing to the newsletter gives you membership.

Counties Served: Paulding and surrounding counties

Support Group Leader: Amy Rosswurm     Email: ajrosswurm@gmail.com


Support Group Name: Wapakoneta Christian Homeschool Co-op

Group Website:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/578253359278241

Email: wapakchristiancoop@gmail.com

Group Size: 30

Group Description: The Wapakoneta Christian Homeschool Co-op is a Christ-centered community of homeschoolers committed to raising up godly children through spiritual and academic development. This mission is accomplished by providing opportunities for participation in weekly academic classes, scheduled field trips, and fellowship, as well as encouragement and support for homeschool families.

Counties Served: Auglaize and surrounding

Support Group Leader:  Meagan Hensley   Email: wapakchristiancoop@gmail.com  Phone:(419) 230-0165



Support Group Name: Arrows Cottage School

Email: arrowscottageschool@gmail.com

Group Size: 85

Group Description: Arrows Cottage School is a nondenominational evangelical Christian homeschool group providing an encouraging educational environment for school-aged students in the NW Ohio area. Our mission is to provide affordable, quality academic and enrichment classes to area homeschooling students. We exist to encourage, support, and build up a community of local Christian homeschool families.

Additional: Morning classes are sectioned as grades: 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th+. Most classes are limited to 12-14 students. We meet on Wednesdays during the academic year. Classes: 9AM-Noon Bible, Science, History with a snack and recess break, followed by students enjoying their own packed lunch. Enrichment classes are with combined class groups from 12:30-2:45PM.

Counties Served: Wood, Lucas, Henry, Hancock

Support Group Leader: Anna Fowler  Email:arrowscottageschool@gmail.com    Phone: (419) 304-3048
