614 Area Regional Representatives
CHEO Office
To have your group listed, please submit a completed form found here: Support Group Form
**CHEO provides this listing of local support groups as a courtesy to our website readers. The inclusion of a group on this list does not constitute CHEO’s endorsement of the group’s activities, membership, or policies. Parents are encouraged to carefully research and consider the philosophy and practices of any group they are intending to join.
Support Group Name: Grace Home Educators
Group Website: gracepolaris.org/ghe
Email: ghe@gracepolaris.org
Group Size: Over 100 families
Group Description: Our mission statement is to encourage and support Christian homeschooling families in the Central Ohio area. We are a homeschool support group that offers a weekly gym time, mom’s night out, member-run field trips, and various other social and celebration events
Counties Served: Grace Home Educators draws families from Westerville as well as most of the northern suburbs and into northern Columbus.
Support Group Leader: Dede Kiener Email: ghe@gracepolaris.org Phone: (614) 888-7733
Support Group Name: Grace Homeschool Co-op
Group Size: 10-15 families
Group Description: Our co-op meets on Fridays at Grace Church Powell on Liberty Road. Our day somewhat resembles a school day and students are grouped together by grade-level and all students come together for lunch, recess and art/gym class.
Counties Served: Franklin, Delaware
Support Group Leader: Amy McCoy Email: Amymccoy730@gmail.com Phone: (614) 561-3064
Support Group Name: Tapestry of West Columbus
Group Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1010229695665180/
Group Size: 15-20 families
Group Description: Our co-op consists of two parts: Tapestry Charter and Tapestry Classic.
Tapestry Charter involves optional paid classes with hired teachers for Spanish, High School and Jr. High Science (Apologia), Elementary Science, IEW, other creative electives e.g. sports, music, guitar, drama etc.
Our Tapestry Classic involves history and literature using Tapestry of Grace, a classical Christian curriculum. Tapestry has divided their curriculum into age groups (K-12) called stages, where all students study essentially the same period in history, but at different reading and comprehension levels. Art, church history, worldview (HS), & literature are all taught alongside the corresponding historical segment from a biblical worldview. The curriculum divides the study of history into four eras, called year-plans, which take your entire family through the whole of recorded history in a 4-year cycle. This program is highly customizable and provides additional reading, projects, group activities, etc.
Tapestry Classic meets once a week for two hours. Classes are provided from K-12 with each family having at least one participating twelve years old.
Counties Served: Franklin, Madison, and other counties.
Support Group Leader: Ariel Blair Email: blairphotography@gmail.com Phone: (951) 663-8013
Additional: We believe all of the subjects should be taught with a Biblical Worldview. We are looking for like-minded families that want to encourage quality education and discipleship through all the subjects.
Support Group Name: Earth Angels’ Inspirational Creations Academy Co-op
Group Size: 5-10 families
Group Description: Earth Angels’ Inspirational Creations Academy Co-Op (formerly Elder Rose Ministries Academy Co-Op) is a support group designed to help new and seasoned homeschoolers & e-schoolers through their adventures in homeschooling. We meet several times a month for History & Science Classes and once a month for LEGO Club and Art Club. We also plan field trips, parties, park days, etc. through out the school year.
Counties Served: Franklin, Fairfield, & Pickaway
Support Group Leader: Laura Gallant Email: earthangelsohio@gmail.com Phone: (614) 404-4452