Work Permits for Minors


HB33 which was signed by Governor DeWine on July 3, 2023 included a provision that permits students over 16 years of age to be employed using a work permit issued by his/her parent. This is specific to a student who has been exempted from enrollment pursuant to section 3321.042 of the Ohio Revised Code, which became effective October 3, 2023.

For the new statute RC 3331.04(C) – Click Here


Age and schooling certificate (aka work permit) forms are required to be approved by the newly enacted Department of Education and Workforce.  The establishment of this new Department is currently the subject of litigation. So it is unclear when a specific new form will be prescribed.

For students, who are age 16 or 17 and currently pursuing employment opportunities, we have contacted the Ohio Department of Commerce and have been advised to use the current “Application for Minor Work Permit” available on the Ohio Department of Commerce website.

For Application: Click Here 


  • The top portion of this form should be filled out and the parent should sign the designated section. 
  • The section of this form designated for a signature by the school superintendent should be left blank. Attach a copy of the new statute to this form with paragraph (C) highlighted.

Ohio Revised Code – Section 3331.04  – Click Here


Additional Documents Required:

The student should also provide to the employer the following two documents pursuant to RC 3331.02

  1. Certified copy of the student’s birth record
  2. Completed and signed “Physician’s Certificate for Minor Work Permit”

Physician’s Certificate for Minor Work PermitClick Here


Summer Employment Information:

Minors ages 16-17, who are seeking employment for the summer months in nonagricultural and nonhazardous employment, do not need to file a work permit with the employer. Instead, the minor seeking employment shall provide the employer with evidence of proof of age and a parent / guardian consent form.

Parent / Guardian Consent FormClick Here